Thursday, March 18, 2010

School Days at Hillcrest Elementary

The last Elementary School I attended was Hillcrest located at 651 East 1400 South just across the street from where I lived. Now how much closer to home could I get? My teachers there were Mr. Summers and Mr. Willis. Mr. Summers was a very good artist and painted large pictures that covered walls in the hallway announcing events such as “Parent-Teacher Nights” or school Halloween Parties. I remember some assemblies held in the lunch room, particularly at Christmas time. You remember because it seems like every school had them too. I was one of those three wise men dressed in bathrobes who acted more like three wise guys than three wise men. Every recess was taken up with everyone playing our form of soccer on the asphalt parking lot. There was very little grass at that time and we even held our spring field day on the rock strewn dirt area north of the building. I remember because I ran barefoot there to win the 50 yard dash surprising my arch rivals and consummate jocks, Robert Heaps and Gary Weight. I’ll never forgive Mike Jones for suckering me into trading him my pocket watch for an old grease gun he brought from his Dad’s garage.

1 comment:

  1. Hillcrest was my 2 chlidern school. They enjoyed it until Mr. Eager left and the last day of school. Rest in peace 1954-2019 A Legacy of learning. Hillcrest is gone forever... Thanks alot cascade for taking are schoo
